Step 2: Setting up a Git repo with GitHub Desktop

If you’re familiar with Git/GitHub, feel free to set up a repo however you’d like.

Create an account on GitHub if you haven’t already.

Now run the installer for GitHub Desktop.

Once GitHub Desktop opens, log in and create a new repository (File > New repository…):


Give your repository a name and description (I recommend a name in lowercase separated by dashes). For the path, you can choose whatever you like. It will create a folder in the path that you choose with your repository name (in this case C:/Users/.../Keyboards/pcb-guide).


Once it is set up, publish the repository as below:


If you want, you can untick Keep this code private:


If you go to where you created your git repo, you should see the following files:


Note: if you can’t see the .git folder or the extension names (e.g. .md), you should check the following boxes in File Explorer:


If you go to your repo on the GitHub website, it should look something like this:


Feel free to adjust it how you would like, by modifying the or otherwise. For the purposes of this guide, I won’t be bothering.

Continue to Step 3:
Setting up KiCad