Step 1: Downloading Required Software

This section will mostly be a repeat of the first few sections of Ai03’s/Masterzen’s guides, just with updated KiCad and different libraries.

Download KiCad 6.0.6 (the latest stable version as of writing). The installer file is about 1 GB (make sure you aren’t installing a lite version), and KiCad itself takes about 6 GB of storage.

Also download GitHub Desktop. We’ll be using it to set up a git repository which is useful for tracking version history.

Git is a powerful tool for software related projects, so learning to use it correctly is definitely something I would advise if you tackle these sorts of projects often.

Note: If you want to learn more about Git/GitHub, I recommend the the written guide by w3schools.

The following video is also useful:

Continue to Step 2:
Setting up a Git repo