
This will be my attempt to cover most of the basics for writing QMK firmware for custom keyboards, addressing most common misconceptions.

WIP: split into sections

  1. Intro, common misconceptions, figuring out what you need
  2. Setting up QMK environment
  3. Modifying various QMK settings, creating required QMK files
  4. Compiling and flashing
  5. Extra, usage and other tips

Common questions/misconceptions

Firstly, should I use

Short answer: No.

They’re based on older versions of QMK. You also wont get any support for them since all they give you is the finished firmware file. That makes troubleshooting difficult.

What is firmware? QMK?

Firmware refers to what is actually running on the keyboard.

For custom keyboards, the most common firmware to run is QMK firmware.

As for what QMK is (in general), as per the official site:

QMK (Quantum Mechanical Keyboard) is an open source community centered around developing computer input devices. The community encompasses all sorts of input devices, such as keyboards, mice, and MIDI devices. A core group of collaborators maintains QMK Firmware, QMK Configurator, QMK Toolbox,…

Links to: QMK official website, documentation, github repository, pre-compiled firmware and discord server.

What does QMK Configurator do?

QMK Configurator is used to compile firmware of existing keyboards with your own keymap. It will spit out compiled firmware that you just need to flash. This is fine to use if you just want to set the keymap of your keyboard once.

However, if you want to dynamically remap your keyboard, you can make use of VIA or VIAL. See below.

So what is VIA?

VIA is a piece of software. In essence, it’s a program that runs on your computer. All it does is communicate to the firmware (QMK) on your keyboard to tell it to do things, i.e. remap keys, change lighting, etc. This means the changes you make are stored on the keyboard itself.

VIA was popularised a few years back. It was made separate from QMK, but QMK eventually added official support for the VIA protocol. This also means that the VIA and QMK development teams are separate.

VIA has recently gone through many changes, transitioning from V2 to V3. In the past, VIA has commonly been used as a desktop application. Nowadays, you can either use the website, or alternatively the NEW desktop application.

Links to: VIA official website, documentation, list of precompiled firmware, and app source code (app downloads linked above). For VIA support, head to the QMK discord server.

A note on VIA support - Why doesn’t VIA detect my keyboard?

VIA will only automatically detect keyboards that are part of their official VIA list. This means popular keyboards are more likely to be detected automatically.

This detection works by checking the USB VID (Vendor ID) and PID (Product ID) programmed onto the firmware, and seeing if it matches the VID/PID of any of the keyboard definitons (i.e. via jsons) in the official VIA list.

So, if you have a less popular keyboard that’s meant to have VIA support, you may have to find the via json to manually load [wip, link to the guide for loading via jsons manually]. You can usually find this on the vendor’s discord server or possibly linked on the page/website where you bought the keyboard from.

If you cannot find the via json for your keyboard, you may have to create one yourself. [WIP: link to guide to creating VIA json]

If your keyboard does not get detected in VIA even after manually loading the via json, it’s possible you have the wrong json, or your keyboard is not running a VIA-enabled version of QMK firmware. [WIP: link to guide for enabling VIA on existing keyboards]

What’s the difference between VIA and VIAL?

VIAL is separate from VIA and QMK. It’s also a program which serves a similar purpose, but has extra features.


  • Keyboard definitions (i.e. vial.json) are stored on the keyboard itself, so they get detected automatically, without requiring any online repositories, unlike with VIA.
  • Stronger Macro configuation.
  • Tap Dance configuration from within the UI (key double tap, hold).
  • Combos configuration from within the UI
  • Key Override configuration from within the UI.

(Tap dance, combos and key overrides are offered in vanilla QMK, but require custom code, and are not dynamically reconfigurable in any UI)

To utilise the extra features that VIAL offers, you need to flash a modified version (i.e. a fork) of QMK onto your keyboard.

NOTE: This fork of QMK is unofficial, meaning the QMK developers have nothing to do with it. Please don’t go to the QMK server asking for VIAL help. There is a dedicated VIAL server.

Links to: VIAL official website, app download, github repository, documentation, and discord server. There is also an unofficial site with pre-compiled VIAL firmware.

So how do I get firmware onto my keyboard?

This will come down to what you’re starting with.

Here are the common scenarios:

In almost all scenarios, you will first want to learn how to set up an environment for modifiying and compiling QMK firmware. [WIP: link to that guide]


Setting up your environment

If you’re going to be doing any modification, compiling or flashing of firmware, you need to set up your QMK environment.

This will involve a bit of Git. Git is generally better to use than just downloading zip files and extracting, as Git will version control and allow you to pull changes from the internet quickly. You can learn more about git here.

QMK have an official guide for setting up an environment, but it can be a little confusing.

You can access my run-down on setting up a QMK environment here.

Compiling and flashing QMK Firmware

To compile firmware, you need to first set up your environment.

Official QMK documention.

To flash QMK firmware, you can generally use QMK Toolbox. However, some keyboards may require other methods of flashing. Keyboards need to be in bootloader mode to flash them. There are various ways of entering the bootloader, depending on the design of the PCB.

WIP… will be a separate page with more explanation on compiling and flashing, for vanilla qmk, via, and vial

The 1000Hz myth

Short answer: the latest version of QMK will have 1000Hz polling rate enabled by default. This means you do NOT have to add any lines in the firmware to enable it.

QMK Firmware from scratch

Official QMK documention.

To write firmware from scratch, you need information about the following:

  • The keyboard’s MCU
  • The layout of the keyboard
  • The pinout of rows/columns

If you designed the PCB/it’s open sourced, this information should be readily available. Otherwise you may have to reverse engineer the PCB.

WIP… Link to separate page for writing QMK firmware

Adding VIA support

VIA have documentation on how to add support for keyboards here. However, their documentation isn’t always the best/clearest.

You need to find the your keyboard’s base firmware to work off. If your board is more popular, it will usually be located in the official QMK repository, so you can just work off the official QMK repository as it is.

In essence, to add VIA support to a keyboard already in the official QMK repository, you need to add the following:

  • A new via folder inside the keymaps folder
  • A file with VIA_ENABLE = yes inside
  • A via json file that you can use to get VIA to recognise your keyboard

Side note: VIAL documentation has a decent guide for creating the VIA json.

See section on extra tools if you want a faster/less-tedious method for generating a via.json (the site says vial.json but you can mostly use the same json for VIA too).

wip… Link to separate page for adding VIA support

Porting to VIAL

‘Porting’ assumes that the keyboard you want to add VIAL support for already has VIA support. Generally, you can find that out by downloading the VIAL app, pressing File > Download VIA Definitions in the top left, and then seeing if your keyboard has the [VIA] tag next to its name (if it loads at all). If your keyboard does not show up, it means your keyboard either does not have VIA-enabled QMK firmware flashed, OR it’s not part of VIA’s official list of keyboards (see section on Why doesn't VIA detect my keyboard?).

If your keyboard does have VIA support, you’ll need to find the source code for that firmware. If your board is more popular, you can usually find it in the official QMK repository. There should be a via folder within your keyboard’s keymaps folder.

Since VIAL requires a fork of QMK, when setting up your environment, you will have to actually use the vial-qmk repository instead of the normal qmk_firmware repository. The vial-qmk repository is generally kept up-to-date with qmk_firmware, meaning you should also be able to find your keyboard in vial-qmk, along with it’s via keymap folder.

If there is also a vial folder in the keymaps folder, that means your keyboard has already been ported to VIAL, and you can simply skip this section and compile and flash the vial firmware [WIP: link to guide for compiling and flashing] to use VIAL.

Official VIAL porting guide.

See section on extra tools if you want a faster/less-tedious method for generating a vial.json and config.h.

wip… Link to separate page for porting to VIAL

OEM Keyboards and QMK

Unfortunately, QMK does not officially support a lot of the MCUs that cheaper OEM keyboards (e.g. Redragon, Keychron K/S-series, Ajazz, Womier) typically use.

However, you can look into SonixQMK.

Extra Tools and Firmware scripts

I have a site for making the generation of QMK and VIAL firmware files easier/faster (e.g. config.h, info.json, vial.json, keymap.c). It converts a single KLE into all those files. It requires a bit of firmware-writing knowledge to use. Make sure you read the documentation.

Xelus also has some tools for firmware (KLE -> RGB, KLE -> VIA, Layout Macro generator).

Jels also has a similar firmware generator in the works that converts a KiCAD project into QMK firmware. This hasn’t been tested for more complex layouts so be weary.

Lastly, side note: What’s after VIA and VIAL?

Ultimately, VIA and VIAL are both technically unofficial programs that may not always folllow the visions of the official QMK developers. For instance, VIA developers may add some features that they want, and then it’s left up to the QMK developers to adapt the firmware to allow keyboards to support those features.

Hence, QMK XAP is in the works. It’s a new protocol that seeks to replace VIA while still maintaining VIA support. Ideally, QMK will have it’s own version of VIA in the form of a new QMK configurator.

You can find more information about QMK XAP and the new QMK configurator on the QMK discord server. It’s still in the works though.

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